Released last week, Sweatbox’s “H.E.A.R.T.” was produced by The White Shadow Of Norway, a veteran DJ who deals primarily in hardcore hip-hop but also serves up the occasional dance track via his Uncut House Records label.
Following previous Sweatbox singles “Kiss French” and “Wet & Sticky,” “H.E.A.R.T.” skips the underground in favor of a sparkling mid-’80s club sound that’s absolutely fantastic. That the track should execute such a throwback so flawlessly is no surprise once you realize The White Shadow spent time behind the decks at such former New York City nightlife institutions Sound Factory, Limelight, and Danceteria during the Me Decade.
With just a single (female) vocal line, “Eight arms to hold you near my heart / Say that we’ll never drift apart,” Sweatbox’s “H.E.A.R.T” brings the beat back like it was yesterday for those of us too young to have experienced that storied ’80s scene the first time around. Listen to a snippet below:
Purchase Sweatbox – “H.E.A.R.T.” via iTunes, Amazon MP3.