
Hello, I'm Johnathan Pop

“New York, London, Paris, Munich, everybody talk about pop music.”

— “Pop Musik,” M (1979)

Curated since 2008 by a schizophonic pop-culture enthusiast – that’s me in the corner – Popservations serves up spinworthy new music spanning several musical genres, while also offering the occasional nudge toward other non-musical happenings worth a nanosecond of your vanishing attention span. In short, if I like something, it’ll likely be here.

The goal is that you’ll fall just as truly, madly, deeply for everything featured. But love takes time. Or so I was told in 1990. That’s what’s called a segue, since Popservations also enjoys a good glance in the rearview mirror, spotlighting past favorites and a few overlooked tunes that are ripe for rediscovery today.

So c’mon, join the joyride.

— John