Cover Story

The Good Natured cover Fine Young Cannibals

August 8, 2012 0 Comments

The Good Natured have done what they’re calling a ‘cheeky bedroom cover’ of Fine Young Cannibals’ 1989 #1 hit, “She Drives Me Crazy.”

Though the UK electropop trio has yet to reveal the real inspiration for their rendition, I’m happy to hear they located the 808 cowbell whilst recording this take in Sara McIntosh’s boudoir.

There’s lots to love about their casual cover of “She Drives Me Crazy,” but while McIntosh may have replaced Roland Gift behind the mic, I still can’t help but sing, “He drives Miss Daisy ’cause she can’t drive herself” during the chorus. And now so will you.

Free download of The Good Natured – “She Drives Me Crazy” (Fine Young Cannibals cover) via their website, courtesy one of those tweet-to-unlock deals.