Sweden’s Little Dragon opened my ears to soulful electro, and now new London-based duo Pandr Eyez bears solid evidence that more musicians are mastering this genre-blending mix of sounds.
“Eyes On You,” taken from Pandr Eyez’s debut EP of the same name, serves as a fantastic introduction to the cross-pond pairing of Ferren Gipson (vocals, female, American) and Tom Lloyd (synths, male, British), who met as university students in London. The track’s push-pull, in which a densely layered synths yield to minimal syncopated beats and back again, is a sexy revelation. If there wasn’t the visual evidence below to indicate otherwise, “Eyes On You” might be mistaken for the latest in the seemingly endless parade of new Beyoncé singles, as Ferren sounds remarkably like her here.
What bands like Little Dragon and Pandr Eyez are cooking up could very well be the future of pop, ladies and gentlemen, here and now. If Beyoncé had only been so bold as to branch out into this sort of sonic direction on 4, the masses wouldn’t be missing out. I’m willing to wager, however, that her little sis Solange, who’s far more musically adventurous and has been busy in the recording studio, is poised to deliver her own spin on this new frontier soon enough.
Free download of Pandr Eyez – “Eyes On You” via SoundCloud. There, you can also listen to the full Eyes On You EP, out tomorrow. Highly recommended.