Have we finally learned not to underestimate George Michael? Both here and across the pond, several encounters with the law (including “encounters” that led to those encounters) have often left us wondering what exactly is going on in that tightly-clipped head of his.
But just like that, George has returned, and this time the news is only good. First, with a self-deprecating appearance on the series finale of HBO’s Extras, he skewered his fondness for public, um, frolics. And now the former Georgios Kyriacos Panayiotou is slated for several appearances for ABC’s upcoming Eli Stone, in which he serves as a sort of muse for the main character (played by Jonny Lee Miller of Trainspotting) who may or may not be hallucinating. I’m not sure I get it all yet, but my TiVo will.
So think back. When Wham! was making it big, was George’s subsequent solo success really a sure thing? The songs he wrote (or co-wrote) were great but, yeah, a bit lightweight (not that there’s anything wrong with that). Even “I Want Your Sex,” released during the summer of ’87 (on the Beverly Hills Cop 2 soundtrack), seemed more of a guilty pleasure than the coming-out of a capital-A artist. But that October when his solo debut hit stores, Mr. Michael earned some serious cred among critics and fans alike. And this week in 1988, the title track sat at #1.
So take note, ye, of little faith. Times change, but two decades later, George may be out, but he’s never down for long.
Purchase George Michael – “Faith” via iTunes.