From the “What were they thinking?” Department: Check out the name of the new candy bar created especially for NASCAR star Dale Earnhardt Jr.
As the story goes, the Big Mo’ was partly inspired by the nickname Earnhardt’s given to his close companions—the “Dirty Mo’ Posse.” Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
Though I don’t travel in NASCAR circles, perhaps it’s possible that no Venn diagram connects my team with theirs. But surely there had to be someone who was intimately aware of the other connotation, like, I dunno, a suspiciously well-groomed guy in the Big Mo’ marketing department? (Yes, the apostrophe is misplaced, but the pronunciation remains the same.)
Anyway, whoever wrote the Big Mo’ press release certainly had tongue firmly planted in cheek, touting the bar’s impressive size and choice of creamy fillings. Elsewhere, there’s some interesting wordplay from Earnhardt himself: “It’s a pleasure to partner with R.M. Palmer… I think Big Mo’ will be widely accepted.”
There’s also this choice piece from the candy bar’s official website: “Big Mo’ is your buddies… just kicking back and having a good time like you always do.” I’ll bet you a three-dollar bill that those jokesters at The Onion are behind this.
You might want to cease the Snickers anyway, fellas. Looks like Big Mo’ is the one who really knows how to satisfy.