An equally music-obsessed friend just alerted me to a perfect item from the Neiman Marcus 2008 Christmas Book—you know, the luxury retailer’s annual collection of outrageously priced but fantastically cool, one-of-a-kind gifts?
Forget the $1 million Jack Nicklaus custom backyard golf course. No, what we covet from this year’s offerings has many more than a mere 18 holes, and yet is still reasonably priced (comparatively speaking, of course).
Try the Thirty-Five Year Collection of Top 100 Records: Every 45 RPM vinyl single that made the Billboard Hot 100 charts from January 1, 1955, through December 31, 1990. It’s an impressive stack of wax that reaches 18,400 records high, and sells for a mere $275,000, plus shipping.
This record collector’s head is spinning at the thought. I’d like my turntable to be doing the same.
So Santa, I know it’s a trifle more than the $160,000 custom BMW, but I live in the city and I’ve been very good this year.