If you haven’t already, I’m sure you’ll soon be hearing a lot about fashion designer Tom Ford’s first foray into film, A Single Man. The movie opened in limited release this past weekend, now showing in New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco.
Based on the groundbreaking 1964 novel by Christopher Isherwood (which dealt quite matter-of-factly with homosexuality), A Single Man is the story of George (Colin Firth), a college professor mourning the recent loss of his partner Jim. Set in 1962, the film adaptation arrives in the midst of current cultural appreciation for Mad Men-era style.
With his expert creative eye previously focused solely on fashion, Tom Ford seems particularly well-suited to capture the essence of the time period in both tone and look. Ford first read Isherwood’s novel while in his twenties, crushing on the older George, but now at 48, sees more of himself in the character. The designer-turned-director crafted the screenplay with David Scearce, inserting a few biographic details from his life into the story, making more explicit links to this decades-long kinship.
I’ve read the book, and am totally geeked about Ford’s first film. But add in Juliane Moore who co-stars as George’s friend Charley, and I’m like a kid at Christmas. Since A Simple Man opens wide on Christmas Day, that timing is quite simply divine. Check out the gorgeous trailers, and make plans to catch it in theaters:
For more about A Single Man, visit the film’s official site.