Track of the Moment

The Knocks Have ‘The Feeling’

August 9, 2012 0 Comments

Better mark The Knocks down alongside Dragonette as another reliably great act working in pop music today. B-Roc and JPatt did remix the Canadian trio’s recent single, “Let It Go,” lest we forget, and are set to tour together on some dates this fall.

Dragonette released their latest single, “Live In This City,” earlier this week and now The Knocks have come calling with something new too. “The Feeling” is tailor-made for the few weeks of summer we’ve got left, with the NYC duo’s quintessential electro-dance sound proving irresistible once again.

Warn your face, arms, and feet before putting the track on blast if you must, but I don’t know why anyone would try to fight The Knocks’ feel-good groove.

Purchase The Knocks – “The Feeling” via iTunes, Amazon MP3. Remixes are forthcoming from Seamus Haji, TheFatRat, and Lazerdisk Party Sex.