Screen Gems / Tube Tied

“Maybe a movie.”

February 14, 2008 0 Comments

The show that couldn’t get arrested when it aired on Fox a few years ago might soon be coming to the cineplex. According to E! Online, Arrested Development creator Mitchell Hurwitz and producer/narrator Ron Howard, are in talks to bring the Bluth family to the big screen (an idea the self-referential show addressed in a scene with Howard, playing himself, in its final episode).

While the “riches to rags” comedy won Emmy Awards, a Golden Globe, and critical acclaim during its 2003-2006 run, Arrested Development never really found an audience (multiple time-slot changes and extended hiatuses certainly didn’t help matters). If new episodes were airing today, I think the show might have a better chance of attracting more eyeballs. There are more DVRs in use, networks offer online viewing, and millions now take TV-to-go on tiny screens, thanks to updated iPods.

So will Arrested Development: The Movie be a hit? Maybe. Since the show’s demise, comedies that inhabit a similarly skewed world, like 30 Rock and The Office, have found some success. And let’s not forget late-to-the-party fans who’ve since discovered the eccentric series on DVD. Michael Cera, who played George Michael, has become a breakout film star (Superbad, Juno).

But if a Bluth family reunion is arranged (and it’s still too early to say), I hope that ends up on the big screen is more The Simpsons (yay!) than Strangers With Candy (not so much).