I loved Gilmore Girls. Still do. And if anything proved how much good writing matters to a series, Season 7 of the mother-daughter dramedy should be submitted as Exhibit A. Gilmore guardian angel/mastermind Amy Sherman-Palladino (creator, writer, executive producer) couldn’t come to contractual agreement with the CW and left the show. Her husband, Daniel Palladino, did the same. And thus, Lorelai and Rory’s final season just wasn’t the same. The story arc seemed forced, the tone was off, the dialogue no longer pitch-perfect (and certainly not as rapid-fire smart). As a fan, you know these things. Though the series wrapped as perhaps it would have even if Team Palladino had been involved, saying goodbye was more bittersweet than it should have been.
So when I’d read about Amy Sherman-Palladino’s next project, a half-hour comedy, I had high expectations. The Return of Jezebel James premiered last Friday on Fox, with two back-to-back episodes. Parker Posey plays Sarah Thomkins, a successful children’s book editor who asks her estranged younger sister, Coco (Lauren Ambrose), to carry her child since she’s unable to conceive. Because the two don’t have much of a relationship (turns out that the titular imaginary friend is their only bond), hijinks, of course, ensue.
I’m willing to forgive the first episode of a series. Characters need to be introduced, stories need to be set in motion. Pilot or not, a lot has to happen in 22 minutes. But I expected Sherman-Palladino to bring something fresh to the traditional sitcom structure. And though the script had its moments, however fleeting, I couldn’t help but wish that Lauren Graham was delivering the lines (not Parkey Posey, or another Lauren). I guess I was expecting something more, well, Gilmore.
(Let us ignore the show’s distracting laugh track. I have my suspicions that it was never Sherman-Palladino’s intention to include one, but a network “suggestion” for a pilot already in the can.)
The second episode did offer some small hope, and I would like to be friends with Jezebel James. Really. Canned laughter and all. Because I so loved Gilmore Girls. And since the charming universe of Stars Hollow was created in the head of Amy Sherman-Palladino, I’ll stay tuned for this Return, likely to the bittersweet end.
The Return of Jezebel James airs Fridays at 8:30/7:30 Central on Fox.