Turn It Up

Hailing Haley

March 19, 2012 2 Comments

I might have another Adam Lambert situation on my hands.

You might recall that I wasn’t exactly Lambert biggest fan during his American Idol run, but came around to him upon the release of For Your Entertainment.

Well, based on Haley Reinhart‘s new single, “Free,” I’m once again reconsidering an earlier dismissal of another former Idol hopeful. While their styles are altogether different (musically and sartorially), just as I made room in my music library for The Screamer (Lambert), I might be giving up some space to The Growler (Reinhart) next.

“Free” is the first single from the Reinhart’s debut album, Listen Up!, due May 22. Fiona Apple producer Mike Elizondo (Extraordinary Machine, the upcoming The Idler Wheel…) pitches in on Reinhart’s set, but while “Free” has a certain, erm, polish to it (piano, french horn, chimes, and other little touches), the track isn’t his handiwork. Instead, credit goes to Michael Busbee (co-writer of Kelly Clarkson “Dark Side,” her stellar next single).

“Free” has a nice, swinging syncopation, allowing room for Reinhart’s jazzy inflections to shine (particularly in the bridge) without making them the sole focus of her performance. “Free” is still very much a pop song, and one that I’m surprisingly pleased to make a spot for.

The start sounds like Supertramp’s “The Logical Song,” no?

Reinhart returns to American Idol on Thursday to perform “Free.” She’ll be on the show with Lana Del Rey, though presumably singing live.

Purchase Haley Reinhardt – “Free” via iTunes, Amazon MP3.