Dragonette has premiered the music video for “Live In This City,” the second single from the Canadian poppers’ third album, Bodyparts, out next week (streaming here).
Dressed in denim from head to toe, Martina, Dan, and Joel’s collective charms prove irresistible (and transformative) to the townspeople that the trio encounter as they prowl the streets in broad daylight.
“Imagine a city where you’re so badass that everyone wants to get with you,” the band says about the clip, directed by Wendy Morgan (Janelle Monáe, Gnarls Barkley). “This is where we found ourselves when making the video for ‘Live In This City,’ but the longer we spent in this magical place, the more things were not as they seemed…”
Especially for Dan and Joel.
Purchase Dragonette – “Live In This City” via iTunes, Amazon MP3. Grab a free download of the Davey Badiuk Remix via SoundCloud.