As a song, Lady Gaga’s “The Edge Of Glory,” is a total triumph, saluting ’80s-era excess with aplomb. It’s one of the best tracks on Born This Way, an album that certainly isn’t lacking in the standout moment/potential single department.
As a music video, which premiered earlier tonight, “The Edge Of Glory” is a puzzlingly lackluster affair. It’s set on a generic backlot street, in which Lady Gaga (looking particularly blank-eyed in her close-ups) throws herself around on both a fire escape and a front stoop whose address appears to be 227. Have I mentioned the fire escape?
Sitting on the stoop is the now-ailing Clarence Clemons, Gaga’s only co-star in the clip, making “The Edge Of Glory” seem to be a very lonely place indeed. If Marla Gibbs or Jackée had joined Gaga’s deserted-street party, now that really would have been something. As it is, it’s no place, child.
Purchase Lady Gaga – “The Edge Of Glory” via iTunes, Amazon MP3.